In a globalized market, where shipping costs are reduced, it is as easy to communicate with a client in Madrid as with one in Sydney, and where access to information is feasible for almost everyone, limit the market to the national market if your product is universal doesn’t make much sense.  That said, we know that the costs of starting a business abroad are high, and a thorough assessment of the cultural, economic, product adaptation, legislative, etc. benefits and drawbacks is needed. to analyze the viability of an international expansion and decide whether to assume the risk.

At AIESEC, as an international organization that has existed for more than 60 years, we know the problem of managing entities that operate in different countries, and we train our members and our candidates to be citizens of the world and to be flexible and analytical in the face of opportunities to work abroad, to get the best out of themselves and the projects in which they are involved. That is why within the framework of our Spain Up project, aimed at bringing 100 young people from abroad to work in Spain for 3 months, one of our focuses is to find companies that are interested in carrying out an internationalization project with local young people.

One can think that how an inexperienced young person is going to carry out a valid analysis of a process as complex as internationalization. In our opinion, nothing could be further from the truth. The young person, as a member of the society whose market they want to access, and as a person academically trained in the field of studying companies and products and services for sale, is capable, as we have already shown in numerous previous and present experiences with other companies, to carry out a comparative analysis between the current and potential market that allows obtaining the information to decide whether or not to move forward with the project. You can contribute your own personal experience, your vision from your perspective of the product or service to be introduced in the market, and it will be much easier to access other members of the community, which will allow you to build a working hypothesis good enough to assess. the possibility of expansion.

For the company, it represents an extremely significant cost saving , since hiring such an analysis with a professional consultant would undoubtedly be much more expensive than doing it in the way that AIESEC proposes. In addition, working with a young local who has been brought from the country of origin allows to have a person who has known the company from within on the ground, who has an important link with the company since they have voluntarily worked on their training and who supposes a direct connection with the market to be accessed.

For the young person, it is an incredible opportunity to learn from the real world how business decisions are made, being part of an international project where they have to meet deadlines, essential requirements and have to give the best of themselves to provide relevant and truthful information.

It is for all this that AIESEC is proud that internationalization projects are part of its Spain Up program, since it involves combining the needs of startups with offering opportunities to young people to enter the labor market with an international project that takes them out of their comfort zone and forces them to give the best of themselves by putting into practice the lessons they learned during their training.

If you want to know more about how you can start an internationalization process with the collaboration of AIESEC, you can contact us here . In our Opportunity Portal, you can see how other companies around the world already count on us to carry out their internationalization processes.

By Ramón Maceiras Castillo


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