Un Liderazgo Joven

Si tienes entre 18-30 años, y estás interesado en realizar un voluntariado, es muy probable que nos conozcas. Sin embargo, nunca está de más mencionar que con AIESEC puedes aportar e impactar en una comunidad llevando a cabo algún programa de voluntariado alineado a un objetivo de desarrollo sostenible sobre el tema de tu preferencia, […]

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Mi primera experiencia en Brasil

“Living the adventure is part of the experience”, thus ends the short summary of a volunteer this summer in Brazil. His story, like that of many other volunteers, teaches us that these are the experiences that make you grow and leave your comfort zone.  =One of the experiences that most marked him was just arriving […]

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4 lecciones de vida que aprendí durante mi voluntariado

Volunteering makes you learn countless life lessons. Immersing yourself in a culture so different from yours, meeting people from other parts of the world, walking through unimaginable places and impacting a country completely different from where you come from is a magical sensation. They are small details or big anecdotes that have made you “be […]

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Voluntario para un cambio

If you have ever wondered what volunteering consists of, the first thing you should know is that it is not only a work done that does not have economic retribution. Because being a volunteer goes beyond that, it is about contributing and experiencing the impact you are making in real time. It’s about seeing with […]

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Brasil y el cambio climático

Like other countries around the world, Brazil is increasingly affected by the climate change that is happening. Located in South America, it is the fifth largest country in the world with 8.51 million km², and due to this size it has great climatic variations. With 93% of its territory located in the southern hemisphere and […]

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El poder del voluntariado

“Lo contrario a la vida no es la muerte, sino la indiferencia” – Oscar Wilde  ~Tengo miedo de mirar por la ventana, no por lo que pueda llegar a ver, sino por lo que no pueda ver. Siento que el mundo está perdiendo su esencia día tras día, que la humanidad se desvanece lentamente, que […]

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Brasil – Derribando Tópicos Y Estereotipos (O No)

All the countries of the world have clichés and stereotypes. But when your population exceeds 209 million inhabitants and your area is approximately 8.5 million square kilometers, you are talking about. We have heard a hundred thousand topics about what Brazil is like: its culture and its people, its music, its food, its festivals and […]

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¿Por qué deberías venir a visitar mi país, Polonia?

Todo el mundo ama su tierra, así que escribir sobre el motivo por el que la gente debería venir a visitar la mía no debería ser un problema. Pues para mí lo fue. Estuve 3 semanas pensando sobre qué escribir. ¿Cómo puedo animar a jóvenes españoles a que vengan a experimentar Polonia? He estado en […]

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